Be proud that you are a pioneer Nazarene. Show it off.
Navy blue T-shirt with school 35th-anniversary logo printed on the front and "Pioneer" printed in cursive at the back.
Looking for more? See next print idea - "Men's Pioneer - Navy Impact" or have a look at all print ideas for Pioneer T-shirts / Celebrating 35 years at Nazareth College
Orders close on the 10th of March 2020. T-shirts can be picked up on 11th and 12th of March 2020 between 2.00 pm and 3.30 pm from the College office. E-mail us, ask for a callback or simply contact us online if you have questions.
Proprietor - Third Trio
or request a callback
or use our online form
Your little ones drawings on a T-shirt are perfect for mummy to wear with great pride and joy
Amazingly easy advertising for your business, customize your car to suit your business
Put your princess's photo beside her favorite Princess.....A great idea for your little girl's birthday
Don't leave your restaurant window bare, make it exciting and happening, get a window sign to show them what's happening inside