Be proud that you are a pioneer Nazarene. Show it off.
Navy blue T-shirt with school 35th-anniversary logo printed on the front and "Pionne" printed in bold at the back.
Looking for more? See next print idea - "Women's Pioneer - Navy Impact" or have a look at all print ideas for Pioneer T-shirts / Celebrating 35 years at Nazareth College
Orders close on the 10th of March 2020. T-shirts can be picked up on 11th and 12th of March 2020 between 2.00 pm and 3.30 pm from the College office. E-mail us, ask for a callback or simply contact us online if you have questions.
Proprietor - Third Trio
or request a callback
or use our online form
Settled on your kids birthday theme? Why not make it more fun by getting him/her a t-shirt to match..make it a birthday tradition you will cherish...
A simple way to advertise your business...put your company logo, contact numbers and wear it on your t-shirt
There is a figure who is ever present in our day to day activities, Mums are special. A great gift to show her she matters.
A great gift for the always busy Mum..No one can manage all those activities like a mum.